September 12

Slow Flushing Toilet? Here’s Why

3 Potential Causes of a Slow-Flushing Toilet

If you have noticed that your toilet is flushing slower than it should be, you may be wondering what the problems is. There are a few common things that can slow down a toilet, which can lead to an excessive usage of water, as well as a lot of hassle.

Here is a list of things that can lead to your toilet flushing slower than optimally, which may require a plumbing company to come out and fix the situation.

La Grange Toilet Repair ServicesMineral Deposits

As water rushes through the pipes of your plumbing system, bits of minerals are slowly going to be deposited on the sides of the interior of your pipes.

There is not much you can do to stop this, as the minerals come from the very water that is running through your system. If you do not have any major clogs that can be detected, there is a very good chance that there may be a buildup of minerals in your pipes, which may have to be removed by a professional.

The best course of action in this situation is to call out a plumber to your house, who will be able to assess the situation and let you know whether they think you have a buildup of minerals in your piping system or not.

Interior Clogs

The reality is that at on of people put all sorts of things down the toilet that they simply should not be flushing. Although the items that they put into the toilet bowl very well may flush and disappear, there is a good chance that they may get stuck in the pipes.

A lot of times material can slowly get stuck, or it can even get stuck on small mineral deposits that are already in your pipes, which may act as an anchor to other materials. This can cause a blockage that does not shut your pipes down completely, but can lead to the toilet flushing very slowly.

Many people want to pour harmful chemicals down the drain, but be advised that this is a bad idea and can cause severe damage to your pipes.

Too Little Water

If there is too little water in the tank of your toilet, your toilet is going to flush a lot slower than normal. Check the back and look online to make sure that you do in fact have enough water in the tank of your toilets.

Your La Grange toilet issues can be a nuisance. Call Allan E Power Plumbing at[phone] today, and get your toilet working!


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